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Titop Dwiwinarno


Capital structure is one of the activities that need to be considered by companies in meeting their capital needs. It is very important in meeting the capital requirement is a must consider how the company’s capital structure is optimal. For that to note the factors that influence the company’s capital structure. Factors influencing the studied include asset structure, level of sales, interest rates, inflation, profitability, dividend payout. This research was conducted only on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data used in this study are the data year 2005-2007. While the method used to process the data using multiple regression. From the results of processed data that the six variables analyzed after the test the classic assumption that nothing happens multikolinierity between interest rates and inflation will be used only one variable that is interest rates. Classical assumption there is one other variable heteroscadastisitas symptoms are variable to test the profitability while autocorrelation of the variables studied did not happen this autocorrelation Durbin Watson demonstrated the value of 2.080. So, from the classical assumption of the six variables were four independent variables used. Results showed that partially only asset structure variables that significantly influence the capital structure while the other variable is not significant, but simultaneously or together provide a significant influence on capital structure. Key world: capital structure, Assets structure,interest rate, inflation, level of sales, profitabelity, dividend payout ratio. http://jurnalefektif.janabadra.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/5.Titop_.pdf